Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Benefits of Healing in Post Operative Care

When we undergo an operation our energy fields can be affected in a number of ways. The anaesthetic can be seen in the energy system for up to a year after the operation and an operation itself can cause disturbance in the energy field. Healing can help to clear the anaesthetic from the field and to bring the energy back to its original form.

Our energy field is the template for our physical body. Physical illness generally shows up in the energy field before it shows up in the physical body. The physcial body struggles to heal when there is a disturbance in the flow of energy. Energy healing can help to speed up recovery time after an operation, build back up our immune system, reduce pain and post operative complications.

There have been many studies done by scientists or physicians which have shown evidence of the power of energy healing in post operative or patient care. One such study was carried by Elizabeth Targ and Fred Sicher. The study worked with a group of 40 advanced AIDS patients. All patients in the group had the same degree of illness, the same T-cell counts, the same number of AIDS-defining illnesses and were the same age range.

All patients received the usual orthodox treatment but only half of the patients received regular healings over a 6 month period. The other half received no healing. The healing was done remotely (distant healing) so the patients did not know which group they belonged in (the being healed or the not being healed group). The doctors also did not know which patients were receiving healing and which were not.

After six months, the whole group was scientifically assessed with inescapable conclusion that the healing was working. The group receiving healing were healthier on every parameter than the group not receiving healing. They had significantly fewer doctor visits, fewer hospitalization, fewer days in hospital and had developed fewer new AIDS-defining illnesses. The group receiving healing also registered significant improved mood on psychological tests. On 6 out of 11 medical outcomes, the group receiving healing had significantly better outcomes.

A recent personal experience has prompted me to write about this subject. One year ago I had Laser Eye surgery to reverse my short sight. The operation was a success and I was very pleased with the results. As a healer I know how beneficial it would have been to have a few healings after the operation to ensure that my post surgery healing was the best it could be but being a human I kept putting it on the long finger and 1 year later still had not got around to doing it.

After the surgery I noticed that a jumping nerve started in my eyelid. The hospital advised that this happens sometimes and there was nothing they could do about it. I knew healing would probably help but never seemed to find the time to go for a healing. Over the next year the nerve continued to jump and my eyes started to feel more strained and tired. A month ago the nerve stopped jumping but got replaced by bad headaches (something I never ususally experience).

I finally decided enough was enough and called a friend who trained with me in the Brennan School of Healing to ask for a healing. As she worked on me the next day I could feel the energy in my body and particularly my head reorganising itself. It felt like I was coming back in to order and that a weight had been lifted off me. It felt wonderful.

After the healing I felt extremely tired. I could barely get off the healing table but later that day I felt fantastic - more in my body than I have been in ages. The healing was two weeks ago and since then my jumping nerve and headaches have disappeared and I feel better than I have in months. I am going to go for another one or two healings just to ensure that my energy holds the changes that happened in the healing.

Needless to say I could kick myself for leaving it so long :-) but instead of that I think I'll just learn from the lesson instead and make sure that if I am ever having a surgical procedure or go through an illness again in the future that I'll book some healings up front to support my recovery.

If you want to find out more about some of the trials that have been done to prove the effectiveness of energy healing I recommend a book called "the field" by Lynn McTaggart.

If you'd like to discuss whether healing could be beneficial for you I can be contacted on 087 2529325

1 comment:

Ian Stone - Founder Metaphysical Institute said...

Great Article bringing the facts to the public about he benefits of Energy Healing.

We have had similar results and all who have Energy Healing by a competent healer can testify to dramatic improvements.

With Love
Ian Stone – Founder of HEART Energy Healing System,
Human Energy Assessment Release Treatments
Metaphysical Institute
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