Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Hardest Thing is Starting!

Wow...I've just set up my first blog. I hadn't planned to do it but one thing led to another in the last hour and before I knew it I am on blogger sitting in front of a blank screen thinking "Oh my god - now what am I going to write - where will I start!"

I was tempted to log off and leave it for another day. A day when I had more time, or had given it more thought...or didnt want to watch Fair City in 15 minutes! but then I realised that this is exactly where I need to start - I'll start with the fear of starting ! A fear that I regularly see holding my clients back in their personal and their business lives !

Why are we so afraid to just get out there and do it?

I've no doubt that many of you will recognise this scenario....

You have an impulse to do something, a great idea, a sudden surge of energy or strong instinct. You feel the excitement and enthusiasm rising in your are just about to do it and then BANG.... you are stopped in your tracks, your fears take over, logic gets in the way and before you know it the rising creative wave has been stopped dead and your ideas and energy becomes dust in the ground.

In some cases there may be good reason to take a bit more time before acting, to plan things before jumping. Sure this applies if you are about to make a life changing decision or a huge investment but there are soooooo many times that we cut off our creative wave when there is absolutely no good reason for doing so and where if we just followed it who knows what wonderful goodies and opportunities and life experiences it could bring. And hey...even if it brought nothing in concrete terms isn't it just great to actually ride that wave as it rises, to act while the feeling is hot and to allow yourself the freedom to just go with the flow. I think so!

So my friends, fellow bloggers and whoever else may come across these ramblings - I've decided to commit for the next week to really riding the creative wave. If I feel an impulse I am going to follow it, if I have a great idea I am going to explore it, when the wave starts to rise I am going to go with it. I'm going to pack my fears and insecurities in a bag, put them away for another day and just risk it!

and hey - I hope some of you will join me too xx

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